2021 Inclusion in Science Learning a New Direction Replay

STEM-torship of the Blind

Presenter: Kevin Fjelsted, STEM-torship of the Blind, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Co-Author: Ashley Neybert, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas.

STEM-torship of the Blind

Focus on the Mentoring Triangle

  1. The Blind mentor.
  2. The STEM professional content expert mentor.
  3. The Blind secondary school student mentee.

STEM Opportunities are Wide Open!

  • HighPaid STEM jobs are in high demand worldwide.
  • Mentoring is already in full swing in specific populations such as “Girls Who Code.”
  • There is no STEM skill that is out of reach to those of us who are Blind.

Solving Problems

  • As Blind persons we must always conquer misconceptions and lack of confidence in our abilities by others who are not Blind as well as Other Blind persons who are not yet believers in themselves.
  • Blindness organizations and agencies are not focused on STEM mentorship.
  • To date the number of Blind STEM professionals is extremely low!

Nonprofit 501 ( c )

  • Individual and organization contributions are tax deductible.
  • Majority of voting board of directors are Blind.
  • Functions provided will not duplicate agency and Blind organizations; Endeavor to collaborate.

Building the outcome

  • Start by fund raising $30,000, through crowd funding preferable.
  • Focus on chemistry first.
  • Identify three students to pilot the program.
  • Train the mentors and build the mentoring teams.
  • Measure the success and make course adjustments through continuous improvement.

Contact STEM-torship of the Blind

Web site: stbl.science